Wednesday, April 15, 2009

10 Tips to Get Your Green On

(1) Turn off the lights or the TV when leaving the room.

(2) Turn off the tap when you are washing your hands or brushing your teeth.

(3) Remember to recycle your magazines, newspapers, soda cans, etc.

(4) Walk, bike or take the bus to school.

(5) Borrow books, CDs and movies from libraries or friends instead of buying them.

(6) Plant a shade tree on the sunny side of your house.

(7) Use washable plates, cups and silverware instead of plastic.

(8) Set the thermostat in your house two degrees cooler in the winter and two degress warmer in the summer.

(9) Use fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent.

(10) Take vacations close to home or take a train instead of a plane when going farther away.

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