Friday, May 11, 2012

2012 Summer Reading Program

NOTE:  The performances in Benton will be at Benton United Methodist Church at 4615 Palmetto Road.


The Summer Reading Program is geared towards children ages 6 to12 years old.  The program usually consists of storytelling, crafts, contests, and special guests. The weekly program lasts approximately 45 minutes to an hour.

Each child will fill out a reading log with his/her name, age, and school.  The child will take the reading log home and record the title of each library book read during the summer program.  When a child reaches half of his/her goal, he/she will sign a super reader’s poster and receive an award. A certificate and another award will be given when the goal is completed.

Books to be counted on the logs must be library books chosen on the child’s reading level.  Children who are unable to read may have a parent or sibling read to them.

The reading goal for the 6 – 8 year old children is to read eight (8) books during the program, and the goal for the 9 – 12 year old children is to read a total of six (6) books. Once the goal has been reached, the children are encouraged to continue to read and record books on the reading log. The children will qualify for a reading certificate if the goal has been reached. Certificates will be awarded at the last story hour program at each library branch.


It is the parents’ responsibility to make certain their child has a dependable and reliable person at the library during and after the weekly programs.  The library CANNOT be held accountable for children once they leave the program’s area. 

Children do not have to attend the weekly story hours in order to participate in the Summer Reading Program.

Children are reminded before each story hour to please:  use the restroom, be quiet in the library, always have shoes, shirts, etc, on while in the library, have no food or drink inside the library, and to NOT run while in the library.

Due to limited space, we ask that parents browse for books or read a magazine while the story hour is in session.  This is to assure there is plenty of room for the children and to allow the performer full command of the children’s attention.

MOST IMPORTANT:  You must have a Bossier Parish Library card in order to check out books.

If you have any problems or questions, please ask our staff.  We are here to help and assist our patrons.  Thanks so much for your cooperation and participation in this year’s fun-filled Summer Reading Program!

Call the Children Services Department at 318-746-1693 to find out more information!

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